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Improve quality performance and reduce risk. As a leading staffing services provider, we play a vital role in shaping the workforce. That’s why all Hire Dynamics employees are 100% CSP Certified – qualified in both federal and state employment laws.
Every year, Hire Dynamics strives to provide industry-related content roundtable sessions to help enhance local workforce initiatives. On April 27th, the Greenville Hire Dynamics Branch hosted a Safety Roundtable Luncheon event geared toward providing local manufacturers an opportunity to hear information on OSHA’s Temporary Work Initiative and Workplace Best Safety Practices. The event was co-hosted …
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Does your talented contingent workforce know the hazards associated with their jobs & the necessary precautions that they need to take to be safe? Gary Garofano, Hire Dynamics Risk & Safety Manager New workers are three times more likely to have a lost-time injury than workers who have been employed at the same location for …
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Safety is something that is instilled in us from a very early age – don’t talk to strangers, look both ways before crossing the street, stay away from open flames. Along the way, we learn from experience and adopt more best practices to stay safe. What about your workplace? As a manager or supervisor, is …
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