Safety In the Workplace By Hire Dynamics CATEGORY: Blog POSTED: July 7, 2017 Every year, Hire Dynamics strives to provide industry-related content roundtable sessions to help enhance local workforce initiatives. On April 27th, the Greenville Hire Dynamics Branch hosted a Safety Roundtable Luncheon event geared toward providing local manufacturers an opportunity to hear information on OSHA’s Temporary Work Initiative and Workplace Best Safety Practices. The event was co-hosted by Gary Garofano, Safety Manager at Hire Dynamics and Greg Holder, VP of Risk Control Services at Lockton. Read about the main points of discussion at the event: The initiative for OSHA to collaborate with reputable staffing agencies like Hire Dynamics was one of the greatest impacts that staffing firms had on their host employees. In 2013, overwhelming statistics showed that staffing firms were not fully serving their employees. As a response, the temporary worker initiative began in late 2013 in hopes to increase collaboration between staffing firms and host employers. Through the initiative, a temporary worker safety checklist was created to ensure that staffing agencies meet the responsibility for worker safety. This guideline helps both parties to create the safest work environment for temporary workers and keeps the staffing firms running smoothly. As Greg Holder explained, “client partnership agreements create contracts that ensure guidelines and rules are being followed.” Communication is crucial for a healthy relationship between employer and worker, and the checklist helps to strengthen those skills. Staffing firms and host employers have seen the initiative lead to better results within the firm. Co-employment is also a new strategy that OSHA has implemented. Although the host employer is the supervising party, co-employment helps ensures better work conditions for employees. Host employees must follow company guidelines and be held accountable for the safety of employees. OSHA and American Staffing also created risk management guidelines to maintain a healthy partnership between staffing agencies and employers. Inspections are also changing the way OSHA and other staffing firms operate. Greg explained that when OSHA does a routine inspection, inspectors have begun to ask temporary staffing agents for information rather than full time employees of the agency. This is an effort to get more honest answers from employees, but inherently puts host employees and staffing firms at odds. With so many new developments within the staffing industry, it was great to get a glimpse of the amazing changes occurring in the Hire Dynamics Greenville branch.