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Reflect and Re-energize to Create a “Best Place to Work”

By Hire Dynamics

January passed in the blink of an eye and February kicked off with the Super Bowl – always a good party if not much of a game. This month also initiated Hire Dynamics’ annual kick-off meetings with interactive workshops, themed dinners and presentations from subject matter experts, and while it was all about the business at hand, there was fun to be had!

Ideally any business started 2014 with a strong strategic plan. But, it’s important for employees to take the time to reflect and re-energize. Give performance initiatives a boost, congratulate and recognize employees for last year’s successes, and have a little fun to lighten spirits before delving back into the new year. Here are a few tried and true annual kick-off ideas from Hire Dynamics:

Create new learning opportunities for workers at all levels

Introduce the team to new resources and ideas that will help drive new thinking and innovation. Ongoing training expands the knowledge base of employees, which in turn builds the confidence of the staff as a whole.

Invite experts to speak to the specific roles and target goals for the organization. Divide staff by discipline or function so the information is particularly relevant – sales & marketing teams, office leads, corporate operations, etc. For company veterans, the lessons learned will serve as a reminder on the important tasks and methodologies associated with their jobs. And for the newer set, these seminars will keep them abreast on the cutting edge industry developments, tips and tricks.

Reward employees to retain employees

Create a culture where employees feel valued, and the results will be exceptional – motivated teams exceeding their goals. Because most professionals want to feel as though they are contributing to the company’s overall success, recognizing and rewarding their accomplishments makes them feel as though they are valued in their role.

Is there a specific team leader who has elevated their department to new heights? Did a sales team of a specific branch create an efficiency or strategy that allowed them to surpass their goal? Take the time to notice them in front of the entire company to let your collective organization know you care about and value each team member’s specific results. Something as simple as a handwritten note, restaurant gift card or extra paid day off makes someone feel appreciated.

Work hard, play hard

It’s no surprise that strong company culture and productivity levels go hand in hand. As work/life initiatives continue to become increasingly important, it’s important that employees enjoy their work and feel happy and engaged as a team member.

To set the stage for a workplace that is more relaxed and open, allow employees to have fun and enjoy each other’s company. Creating an opportunity for them to get to know each other on a more personal level fosters success, collaboration and fellowship over the long-term.

The disposition of a company set by leadership can set the tone for success or failure. Will you take the time to reflect on the positives and let employees celebrate success with you? It will certainly take you down the path of becoming a “best place to work.”