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Hire Dynamics sponsors and hosts various content leadership events throughout the year. Our clients find these events informative and furthers our client intimacy experience.
Our events typically fall into three main categories:
Contact Centers (Call Centers)
Hire Dynamics has hosted over 40 Contact Center events including our Annual Contact Center Executive Forums (CCEF) and more intimate Contact Center roundtables. These events:
We also facilitate Contact Center Roundtables throughout the year, providing a more intimate environment for contact center leaders to share best practices at an actual contact center location. More than 400 call centers have participated in Hire Dynamics events. To learn more, contact Hire Dynamics at 678.482.8041.
Human Resources
Hire Dynamics provides multiple opportunities for human resource professionals at all levels to network and learn. These events include:
We also provide educational services to select clients and prospects that include:
LEAN Principles
Hire Dynamics sponsors LEAN roundtables to a variety of industries, including manufacturing, logistics and healthcare. These roundtable events are held at a client location and provide opportunities for all participants to share best practices.
Areas of Specialization
Discover the benefits of working with an organization that puts people first. Call us today at 678 482 8041.